An immersion in the universe of Miss Bouillon, to discover your personal fragrance … Become the object of a particular extraction, that of the smell that you have when you dream. A fat-based enfleurage is performed on the participants, who will then be put into optimal dream conditions. The next morning, after disembodiment, our olfactory artist will create the absolute of each dreamer, his Perfume of Dream (which will be possible to recover within 48 hours, at the hotel Ryad).
The enfleurage technique is based on the ability of fat to naturally absorb odors.
Miss Bouillon
The most fragile flowers, such as jasmine, tuberose or daffodil that can not be heated, the technique of cold enfleurage has been developed.
You are a fragile flower, you are this flower of flesh ..
To extract your effuve and capture your essence, your perfume, so I will enfleurer.
Later, your dream essence will be offered to you ..
To participate in this special night, some recommendations:
1) make sure you have not eaten garlic or drunk alcohol the night before
2) not having washed in the hours preceding the experience
3) do not wear deodorant or perfume
Tarif : 50€