This December, the Labo des Désirs will be honoring a theme we rarely celebrate: “Monstrosities”.

Monday 5th
10 a.m. to 12 p.m. -Physical training around clowning and the body. Corporal, spatial and breathing exercises. Using clown techniques, Butoh dance and somatic practices, Anna Galante takes us into the depths of our beings. Through games that awaken the body and the voice, she awakens the creature in us. Welcome the beings lurking in the corners of our being, ready to pounce, to roar, to shred the fabric of everyday life, to tremble with freedom in spite of conventions. Feel yourself grow feathers, scales, pipes… Using notions akin to commitment and relaxation, to better grasp the echoes of our games, and with the gentleness needed to summon monsters.
2pm to 5pm – Clown and Monstrosities workshop by Anna Galante. Improvisations based around dialogues between individual proposals and collective construction. Unleash the beast, loosen up, laugh, giggle and have fun. On the edge between senses and imagination, confront others’ gaze to uncover what escapes us. Don’t you feel funny? This is the wild innocence of the clown, allowing passionate sensibilities and impossible humanities to burst forth and glow. Showing ourselves as we are. Absurd, powerful, inadequate. A workshop to meet each other through deep laughter
Tuesday 4th
10am to 12pm – Physical exercises by Iwan Lambert. Exploration of movements and voice. Connecting the felt body to the impeded body.
2pm to 5pm – Theater and Sound monsters workshop. Listen to the monster within. Others are my monsters. Improvisations and sound games around the inner and outer monster by Iwan Lambert and Morphone

Wednesday 6th
10 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Magali Revest /cie Zootrope, offers a training session based on the construction of the Monstrous: the rare, the strange, the person excluded because of what they represent, the outsider. Based on fairy tales and mythology, you’ll plunge into their universe, working around the separation of body, movements, rhythms and interpretations. Working as a duo, you’ll create mirror experiences, drawing inspiration from each other’s bodies and movements to find new choreographic paths. At the end, there will be a time for integration, so that each participant can share their experience through words or drawings, which will serve as the basis for a gallery of monstrous portraits.
2pm – 5pm: Magali Revest’s proposal for monstrous portraits will continue, using movement as a starting point to integrate theatrical interpretation and writing of small instantaneous performative objects that can be shared with the musicians of Les Chaises Musicales at 6pm. Costumes and props will also be made available, allowing you to enter an allusive universe, in an interrelation of body and object.
Thursday 7th
10am to 12pm – Dance and bodies by Barbara Sarreau. The artist invites you to meet your Dragons. Draw inspiration from the fantastic material that is our imagination. Like gleaners, we’ll take this time to receive and harvest the utopia of our desires.
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. – Body theater workshop “Petites lubies au début des monstres” (“Little whims at the dawn of monsters”), based around the play “Le Corbeau” (“The Raven”) dealing with dysmorphism. Led by Aurore Mora and Elliot Lust, Cie Ecchymose

Friday 8th
2pm to 5pm – (Over)literature and staging workshop by XaL , Cie Texte Hors Contexte. This workshop is designed to help participants discover fragments of “monstrous” works, then put them to the test on stage, with the Friche as a natural backdrop. Overliterature is Marseilles’ new worldwide literature. Ways of describing it differ according to the interlocutor’s blood-alcohol level; in short, it’s a southern literary trend, not a regionalist one, with an unashamed truculence and unabashed vulgarity, only if necessary, free of all constraints and writing dogma, closing the door on clichés but exploiting them vigorously when outrageousness serves to mock itself. His ultimate goal: to touch the universality of Marseilles’ spirit.
5pm – Cercle du Premier temps des Poètes Focus on Monsters by XaL – Texte Hors Contexte (bring a poem to read)
6pm to 9pm – Apero concert Las Chaminas “La Chaminas de l’air” concert accompanied by Gaby, cicada on heroic electric guitar. Raw, feminist songs spiced up with absurdity
And of course, the usual Chuchotextes every noon and the timeless Chaises musicales will accompany you every evening from 6 to 8 p.m. along the way!
To register for a workshop, write to
For any suggestions concerning the Chaises musicales, please contact Marine Quiniou at
For more detailed information on schedules: